Minutes of the International Contest "My Regional Christmas Decoration" 2017/18

Minutes of   International Contest „My Regional Christmas Decoration”

Kindergarten no. 41 in Rybnik organized the International Contest „My Regional Christmas Decoration”. It was directed to children from 3 to 8 years old and to the adults.  The contestants were free to choose any style or technique in their works
The main goals:
·                   Promotion of works
·                   Enhancement of creative thinking and imagination
·                   Development of interests
·                   Sharing  ideas
·                   Introduction to the Christmas atmosphere
·                   Broadening the  knowledge on Christmas traditions and rituals
·                   Supporting the handicraft tradition and promotion of artistic talents
·                   Promotion of regional culture

The jury comprised of
-          Klaudia Ciupek - Director of Kindergarten no. 41 in Rybnik
-          Bożena Pszczółka – Deputy of  Director of Kindergarten no.41 in Rybnik
-          Renata Brzezina - Director of Kindergarten no. 23 in Rybnik
-          Elżbieta Pierchała - Director of Art Gallery in Jankowice
-          Justyna Wróbel – Mikołajczyk - Director of Creativity workshop, designer
-          Agnieszka Chudzik –Kindergarten no. 41 teacher.
-          Wiesława Zielińska – Kindergarten no. 41 teacher.
-          Tatiana Badaczewska - The Representative of Parent`s Counsil

To grade works the jury took the following points into account
- stableness of decoration,
- aesthetic values
- relation to the topic of the contest;
- novelty and originality;
- wide range of materials used (including the natural ones);

In this way they chose 3 places among children
1- st place for – Kornelia Bełz, 5 years old, Sokołów Małopolski, teacher:  Aneta Ożóg, POLAND
2- nd place  for Paweł Zuchowicz 6 years old, Wodzisław  woj. Świętokszyskie, teacher: Aneta Jarosińska, POLAND
3 - rd place for Mary, 4 years old Kindergarten Kunterbunt e.V Buchholz,teacher : Marina Will, GERMANY
and honourable mention for
1.      Julia Dziwis, 6 years old, Kindergarten no. 13, Piekary Śląskie, teacher: Renata Zychowicz  , POLAND
2.      Zuzanna Staroń 6 years old, Kindergarten no. 19 im. J. Tuwima, Żory, teacher: Wioleta Gajda, Beata Wysiadecka, POLAND

And to the adults
·         Mrs Anna Łabuz, Kindergarten,  Chorzelów POLAND
·         Mrs Dorota Staszko, Kindergarten,  Chorzelów POLAND

 We congratulate all the participants.
(Due to privacy concerns we do not mention surnames where we don’t have agreement for it)

Written by A. Chudzik 

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